Senior Management of the IGES Group companies

Professor Dr Bertram Häussler is Chairman of the Management Board. The other members of the Management Board are Dr Martin Albrecht, Fabian Berkemeier, Hans-Dieter Nolting and Wioletta Kotowa (authorised signatory).

The work of the IGES Institute is broken down into projects that are assigned to specific content-based units. Unit managers coordinate the respective subject areas. Depending on the project contents, they put together optimally composed interdisciplinary teams of experts.

Prof. Bertram Häussler
Prof. Bertram Häussler
Chairman of the Board of Management
Dr. Martin Albrecht
Dr. Martin Albrecht
Managing Director
Health Care Policy
Fabian Berkemeier
Fabian Berkemeier
Managing Director
Pharma & Biotech
Hans-Dieter Nolting
Hans-Dieter Nolting
Managing Director
Wioletta Kotowa
Wioletta Kotowa
Authorised Signatory
Director of HTA & Value Demonstration


Dr. Grit Braeseke
Dr. Grit Braeseke
Director of Nursing Care Services
Prof. Dr. Bertram Häussler
Prof. Dr. Bertram Häussler
Director Health Services Research
Susanne Hildebrandt
Susanne Hildebrandt
Director Reporting & Analysis
Dr. Ariane Höer
Dr. Ariane Höer
Director of Pharmaceutical Market Research
Steffen John
Steffen John
Director of Software Development
Jörg Marschall
Jörg Marschall
Director Working Environment & Prevention
Guido Schiffhorst
Guido Schiffhorst
Director of Statistics & Biometrics
Dr. Julia Katharina Wolff
Dr. Julia Katharina Wolff
Director Evaluation & Care Conceptualization

The management of other IGES Group companies

AiM - Assessment in Medicine, Research and Consulting
Michael Weißer
Managing Director
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Auditorium Friedrichstraße
Chandra Nanni
Managing Director
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CSG Clinische Studiengesellschaft
Dr. Marc Kurepkat
Managing Director
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Device Access UK Ltd.
Michael Branagan-Harris
Chief Executive Officer
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FUB IGES Wohnen + Immobilien + Umwelt
Prof. Bertram Häussler
Tomasz Kalemba
Oliver Strege
Managing Director
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Dr. Stephan Ruckdäschel
Managing Director
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IGES Mobility
Prof. Bertram Häussler
Elias Olshausen
Managing Director

IGES U.K. Pharma Ltd
Santoke Naal
Director Market Access
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IGES U.K. Pharma Ltd
Santoke Naal
Director Market Access
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imc clinicon
Sebastian Irps
Managing Director
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Meditech Access
Michel Verhasselt
Président /CEO
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Optimax access
Dr. Mehdi Javanbakht
Chief Executive Officer
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Auditorium Friedrichstraße
Chandra Nanni
Managing Director
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Synergus RWE
Matthias Kyhlstedt
Managing Director
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