
Benefit assessments are playing an increasingly important role across the globe and in Germany, too. What does this mean for the supply of medicinal products and medical devices?

Following the advent of benefit assessment in the pharmaceutical sector, similar regulations are taking on greater importance for certain medical devices, too. Consequently, the expansion of the IGES group to include the consulting company "AiM - Assessment in Medicine" at the end of 2014 has turned out to be a very good move. Based in Lörrach, Baden-Württemberg, AiM specialises in strategic and health economics consulting for medical device companies. In cooperation with IGES experts, it is focussing its attention more and more on services for manufacturers and stakeholders in the field of medical technology.

The concept that involves transforming the IGES Institute into a comprehensive knowledge enterprise not only for the healthcare sector but also for other areas of infrastructure really is coming into its own. The "IGES Transport" division is growing steadily. IGES has responded to this trend by inviting its director to join its Management Board.

The "IGES Arzneimittel-Atlas" (medicinal products atlas) was published for the tenth time in 2015. The publication on the SHI pharmaceutical market has not only become a standard work but has also broken new ground. For the first time, all of its contents were published online in 2015. It regularly features early benefit assessment analyses among its content.

IGES is continuously developing the "interdisciplinarity" brand label. In addition to the classic business units such as "healthcare policy", "pharmaceutical market" or "work environment & demography", IGES is setting up theme-based centres of excellence. There, experts pool their specific expertise on topical issues such as "mental disorders" or "innovation funds".

IGES has stepped up its efforts to boost international growth with a new unit for "business development international".

This was visibly demonstrated by its acquisition of a majority shareholding in the British medtech consulting company Device Access UK Ltd at the beginning of 2019. The Southampton-based company (UK) is a market leader in health economics and strategic consulting services for international medical device manufacturers seeking to launch innovative products in both the private healthcare market and the publicly funded National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. With this acquisition, the IGES Group is not merely continuing its European expansion but also responding proactively to the growing global market for medical technology.

IGES set up IGES LifeScience as a new international business division. It offers health economics and strategic consulting on market access, benefit assessments and reimbursement of novel medicinal products, medical devices and digital healthcare products in the German and European healthcare markets.