
IGES can look back proudly on 40 years of research and consulting activities in the healthcare sector and is now looking to the next decades. Where will the challenges of the future be located?

At the beginning of the 2020s, the IGES Group embarked on more extensive internationalisation. In 2020, more precisely, IGES acquired a majority shareholding in the French medical technology consulting company Meditech Access. The company is a leading provider of consulting services to medical device manufacturers seeking to launch products on the markets in France and Europe. Together with the companies Device Access in the UK and AiM (Lörrach) GmbH, the IGES Group now boasts a comprehensive Europe-wide consulting and service network in the field of medical technology. This message is clearly delivered to clients by the umbrella name IGES MedTech.

With the founding of IGES UK Pharma in 2022, an additional European consulting service was put in place for the manufacturers and developers of medicinal products.

The 2020s will also bear witness to further milestones in the company's evolution into an even more comprehensive consulting company for infrastructure questions. Behind this lies the recognition that the future challenges in the area of public goods – in healthcare, transport, education and housing – can only be successfully tackled from a holistic perspective that looks beyond the individual infrastructure sectors. The challenges are growing as due account must be taken not only of sociodemographic changes but also, to an increasing degree, of sustainability and climate protection.

In 2022, the IGES Group therefore widened its research and consulting portfolio to include the topics housing, real estate and the environment. It set up FUB IGES Wohnen+Immobilien+Umwelt GmbH which emerged from F+B, a Hamburg-based company founded in 1992.

This means that, after four decades, the IGES Group now has two major business divisions:

       Research and consulting for everyone who is actively involved in publicly regulated infrastructures in German-speaking countries: healthcare, transport, education and housing.

       Research and consulting for developers, investors and manufacturers of new healthcare technologies for Europe with IGES LifeScience

The onset of the Corona pandemic in 2020 proved to be a dramatic event around the globe. It mercilessly exposed the digitalisation backlog in Germany's healthcare system and revealed enormous data gaps in the monitoring of the course of the pandemic. IGES publishes its own information offerings in the IGES Pandemic Monitor. It likewise provides differentiated analyses aiming to improve understanding of the Corona situation, and presents forecasts on the future course of the pandemic.